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October 8-13 2024: Raid Ready

This week begins with Monday’s trines (Venus trine Mars and Mercury trine Jupiter) followed by Jupiter stationing retrograde on the 9th and Pluto stationing direct on the 11th, after which Mercury squares Pluto on Sunday 13th en route to ingressing Scoirpio. I typically say about stations that everything within the story packet related to now and that planet’s next station is already preloaded and will just be meted out over that duration, often meaning that whatever the plot is about its already in play, no matter if its internal or external, personal, global or subconscious. For Jupiter this means spending now until early February wrapping our minds around how we’ve grown since the start of 2024, gaining an understanding around what options we have to work with in the grand mixed bag, and for Pluto its the start of marching out of the past in a big way and proceeding right into the future as this station is significant in closing historical narratives begun in 2008 and improvising new organizations that are yet to be drafted, but maybe have been somewhat conceptualized since spring 2023. Jupiter’s station will relate to getting us back by February to what we were juggling in potential mid July. Pluto will be moving us headlong into unfamiliar stories in a plot chunk which won’t be taking a break until spring of 2026. Saturn’s station direct isn’t until mid November but is still adding to the significance of the stopping to assess the scene so we can move dramatically forward dynamic of the fall 2024 pivot which is mental, emotional and also very real.

The trine’s ushering this pair of stations in adds a nudge to listen to Saturn in Pisces and let go, relinquish a measured amount of control, to promote flow, feel the vibration, take the temperature, and add to these sensations what you are primally attracted to non negotiably and what resources you may be guarding. You may be asked to kill your darlings in this edit sweep, as there’s too many ideas and too many tasks simultaneously so beware conflicts of interest. The anti-gravity post-post-covid realm is a zombified state of suspension in which we try to perform hygiene as our products float around the space station, the consumerism tax is that we’re burnt out on everybody’s meaningless bullshit in the hearsay ratking of a very-aware-child hyper layering. Synchronaturally, we’re dealing with narrative spooky action at a distance accordion folded without precision or protocol, just algorhythmic mummery akin to interpretive tube man air dancers conducting the zeitgeist while getting all quantumly tangled on each other teleologically. So, slide right on in to the hinge upon hinge in yours and everybody else’s interconnected path swerve, like Predestination On Ice. You know where you’re going, you want it so bad you can taste it, but getting there requires some slippery spin outs in the soap slip squeeze buckle down clamp.

When you see the race flag waved erratically in front of your eyes and your mind begins to race as the same old fucking blockade that prevented you from evolving jams your signal for the forty millionth time since as early as 2008 and all the restaurants they puffed up out of flim flam in the mid 2010s are rapidly closing and we’re in a vacuum of no one wants this current culture, society, reality despite parasitic people making assloads of easy money off of having no ethics feel free to hear the mother fucking starter pistol begin the nocturnal, under the radar, sneaky, creepy crawl towards the object of your obsession even if you can’t afford it and have to tunnel under the whole neighborhood with only a spoon to dig in your evenings for a couple hours each night after work its time to do it anyway because in only a few months of synodic ballet you’ll be there anyway as long as you stop fantasizing about it and start rolling up your sleeves and gnawing through your restraints now, you’ll chew through the straps or your goddamn arm and get to what your burning up inside for eventually opposed to not gnawing, scratching or digging and just stay in your 2008 till now cage forever. Think like a dog, just start scratching the wall and chewing the leash until you’re through to the other side, just do it while your people are asleep or out for the evening.

No one can afford this hell world we’ve all gotten used to except for the morally corrupt and crooks at heart. It’s been 20 minutes until WWIII or the next economic crash perpetually for quite a while and apocalypse hype is now the norm. It may not be pitchforks raised and burning out the rich, but people might be bursting bubbles rapidly coming up as the universe of talkin without the walkin is running its course and this week reveals a bit of where every secret agent is projecting they’re at while dirty deeds done dirt cheap change the underlaying situation in a permanent way that makes perfect sense so just wise up, get real and consider what might be predictably the case versus the past however long of playing pretend.


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