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October 21-27: Subterfuge

Last week closed with the Moon’s transition between squaring Saturn from Gemini to conjoining Jupiter, highlighting the current and predominant mutable square which has us feeling like despite our efforts to hold on to things a lot slips through our fingers in a dynamic with so many paradoxical and irritating micro opportunities filtering through the inefficient net that we must practice non-attachment along with a tuning in to the Way. In the materialistic modern world, one in which has most recently become more conceptual than brick and mortar, we are not so predisposed to taoist and zen like modes of operating even when we wish we were. We might selectively slide through some medium intensity experiences with smoothness, or even stoically march through a couple tragedies, but when reality comes directly for our very personal sensitivities and exactly the things we are cool as long as they don’t get fucked with, we are going to bring our most perturbed game to he table despite our noble best efforts of a cool demeanor.

(Above image: Lawry Gold)

The Jupiter end of the spectrum is obviously more joyous than the Saturn, but the Saturn end feels more productive, even when its a kind of escapist productivity, like labor in jail, takes your mind off your sentence, and the Jupiter smattering of pocket change gains doesn’t seem to really add up to substantial fortune, but if you fall into that trap you’re not thinking like a merchant or a middleman. Skimming a little off the top of every exchange is what makes people incredibly rich, and with Saturn in Pisces there’s a Dao of Being a Slippery Slimy Scumbag element in the equation, especially as the Moon now splashes its way into a Neptunian signal jam sloshing the real data around in a liberal spray of the lies. It’s enough to keep you up all night, and Mars in Cancer is sure to do so as you can’t have anyone fouling the family jewels or assaulting the nest egg— BUT, this is all leading somewhere very interesting. The exceedingly fake and programmed macro world drama scape (as Reality TV got swapped with TV Reality) keeps us all in hyper disorientation for no apparent reason, while Saturn’s realm of actual harsh repercussions assures its not without effect personally, no its seeps into our experience everywhere in an overwhelming way, is a good indicator of how not true, not correct, not accurate, synthetic, simulated, manipulated and staged everything is not just for the global arena but also in our lives. There has been many showdowns throughout the year and if you follow my work you may have already read some calls shot to this is a moment of being real amongst the fakeness, and theres one here and there along the timeline. It doesn’t happen all at once but is distributed in kicks and jabs, as we’re moving into a 20 year period where artificiality vs authenticity is an overarching crisis, so we are simply tuning up to how we inhabit the profoundly real and sensorily substantial within that primary dynamic while keeping our inspiration stoked, our agendas on the move, information coming in and everything hanging in a suitable equilibrium.

As pretty much no one has been living entirely as they wish and in their full and rugged truth for half a decade already the cracks in the masks are obvious, but we persist with incognito shades for an entirely different reason now than when we first got semi-forced to put them on. As in any other era heavy on surveillance state, and not just top down but side to side, no one can be totally trusted, so as we gather our defences around whatever we have been able to squirrel away before winter a dragnet of micro-deceptions assists us in remaining under the radar. In the deep 2025 of it we will be in an entirely too exciting next episode of our tale, which comes with a lot of frenzied circumstances in which we need to build our skills at becoming even more undetectable than we are already, but also there’s a well spring of development and an overflow of personal nourishment on way for us to cohere and understand as an abundance philosophy as if some good shit got really shook loose in the hyper triangulated game of make an insane mess of telephone nonsense that doesn’t serve anybody ever at all in a giant hyper puff of vapid sparkle pops just to keep the whole thing from not powering down to see the rats scurrying in the abandoned control room.

Caspar David Friedrich

Make sense? Maybe you are saying, well sort of, and thats exactly right. The totalizing smatter of aspects around the zodiac right now combines into a pop goes the weasel cum snakes and ladders rip curl that will find you making a different point every time you come around to your point. When we act escapist it returns us to the real life we were building a few months ago. As we groundhogs day into a re-enactment of last year we realize what we thought was reality before was just a practice round for now while simoultaneously being an imprisoning loop we must tear the fabric of eventually to not hamster wheel our lives away. The threat to what nourishes our existence is real, and so we have to be with the shit, like infantry soldiers theres no point of being afraid of enemy soldiers and losing sleep, we cat nap at any opportunity and are always vigilant for the weasel who could climb into our nest. At the same time the weasel might not even exist and is only some propaganda that got to us, but either way we have to be ready in a way that sharpens our claws and adds prowess to our ability to go with the flow strategically. Like some great outward bound experience; food and supplies are limited so take care with them, some of what is here to inspire us in the magnificence of nature is also what frightens us. We’re vulnerable within the vastness of the All. We got good radios and navigational electronics but their data delivery feeds are no match for Knowing.

Ogata Gekko

The Sun’s last, square look at Pluto in Capricorn signals the last acknowledgement of the end of an empire, at least in its current form, and the recycling and retrofitting reorganization to a more horizontal and less top heavy arrangement is viscerally palpable. Don’t want to be pinned down by the things you built or signed up for? Need something to rely on but breezier and with more room to roam and explore? Feeling like you need to fit new concepts into your structures or go out on a limb and pioneer? Or maybe you’re afraid you just might have to but there’s something powerful there lurking in that fear? Something that the old fortresses and traditions and timelines and reliable and trusty structures offer you but you know are also prison bars and there’s no going back.

David Shepherd

Some will run back if not all this week or before mid next month at one point or another as its at the moment the only game in town. The bridge before us is have bakes and there’s no detour to take us over the chasm ahead. The Fool card looks good on paper but not always only a few months before winter. It’s the little animal who actually heel nips the poor bastard into the abyss, as every Orion about to be trampled under bull has a Dogstar at his tail. So the time comes when the time comes; like I said we’re a nest egg stationed infantry waiting in the foxholes of data storm while reliability is melting away. We got to be in the shit, stay with the trouble and in that we gain martial prowess, whether that’s one moment drunken style and the next donning the bear shirt then the next puffing our feathers or opening our jackets and yelling at the mountain lion. You can’t crouch and hide but you can take breaks in shifts to go back to feeling the flow of your future life and forming your self sympathetically out of clay into your inevitable, future circumstances. To not heed the precog impressions would be psychic suicide giving you less fire power once your heli dropped into your next mission in the mid levels of the 2025 game.

Kit French

So focus your primal senses, make an instinctual assessment, get an intuitive feel for the chaotic terrain, allow for some oracular dreams to inform your maneuvers, and be careful to not let the holy flame of your desires be extinguished by the thickening mists. Not that you should shield it, but astrally project through the vapors and as hot and wet come together in a steamy ambiance, slip further within cloud cover along undetected in your escape of all that binds you on a quest for a sexier existence.


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