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The Astrology of October 2024: Food Chain

What happens when you become lucid? Hopelessly lucid; so much so you become insane with yourself to the degree that people can tell, and this new insanity overrides the old sanity and becomes the new sanity by which the old sanity becomes insane. Everyone’s scent shifts, and we must cruise around the streets and bifurcating forest paths, roots and branches slithering into array far too quickly, and assess the scene, sniff everyone out, form new alliances, re-pack from the center outward, as the hierarchies have fallen, and there are massive missing pieces in the infrastructure. Nothing that was reliable before can be depended upon now, so we look around for who we can trust. Not in the bond and promise way, but who has mutual interest, overlap of agenda, aligned desires, compatible needs. This is horizontalism. This is the end of the end and the beginning of the beginning which in screeching yet slow train derailment has brought the skyscraper down to prostrate position where it upturns its wretched underbelly for us all to set base camp upon in profound, disconnected togetherness. No one is coming to save us. Political infrastructures can’t fix the economy as there’s no going back only forward, even if that is an entropic forward where robotic appendages are cast off and the cyborg we’ve become loses limbs in the process. Swipe at the screen of love, swipe at the screen of addiction, swipe and swipe until the gentle motion becomes a slash, a razor blade into the poly-uniform compound and the streak of sonic blood in the mind crashes the brain-data-collector sending our snouts out through the fabric where they penetrate into the moonlit streets, similar to an archaic walkabout, a deep forest initiation, predator and prey paradoxical role superimpositions, all hunters across every spectrum all at once, all eyeing the grand black on black darkscape shapes keen on any movement that scatters settled photons and triggers a reorganization of positioning as the energy required to move bodies off gases colloidal bouquets and suddenly everyone knows more than a little bit more about everyone else, everyone by proxy has become suddenly a click more intimate. Play dead might seem like a viable strategy in such a super-complex, but as we are set to lose the rest of civility its a dog eat dog world and its kill or be killed.

Michelle Chapa (also above)

Civilization has fallen, and with it literacy and all corpus of knowledge. Primal, primate, primeval, primordial, Protozoa and spirochete we clutch our pearls, grasp our spear, swing our handbags, venom on our tongue tip from eons of symbiotic exchanges having collapsed in the nose dive of progress promise. Out in La La Land we ensue, like activated and militarized lemmings in a spike twisted ‘What If?’ Scenario to end all scenarios. But, as the keenest of you well know, the one thing you cannot banish from existence is the proliferation of scenarios. They just keep occurring and occurring Ad Nauseam until the end of time, which is impossible, as time is change and the world will not go on pause no matter how much society’s keepers need it to for clean, efficient, productivity. Yes and no colliding with an impact of interglacial exegesis.

Rosa Loy

The dysfunctional board game of yesteryear which is October places us, the players, on first footing amongst the final South Node Solar Eclipse in Libra. All the little soft insectoids of culture have been trodden under technocratic boot and the empty shells scattered post-migration, us, are left circumambulating the cul de sacs carved into the habitual field since covid times seeking to re-enchant ourselves. It is happening, but a lot more savagely than we are ready to admit, until recently. The internal organs lost hold of the mic while the South Node was in Scorpio, when trauma and triggering reigned, yet now the mask of civil and social conscientiousness can no longer fit a scowl nor can it accommodate a brimming grin. To get effectively happy, sad, angry, overjoyed, jealous or otherwise on the full emotional spectrum we have to once more recalibrate in such a way that we pull the pin on Mr. Nice Guy and send Good Cop out to go fetch coffee. The java will wake us up to being direct and autonomous even when its awkward and causes some discomfort for ourselves and sends some stabs to others, partners and whoeverelse happens to hang around. There’s no avoiding some raised hackles, and we get used to redistributing the atmosphere in a world that is vibes critical. We don’t want a mess, we are just going to be clear about what we are going to do next, because if our autonomy is going to take effect it relies on upsetting the apple cart quite a bit. Are you ready for that? Everyone take a deep breath and be at attention, we’re about to let go and everything unsecured is going to topple into a little disorganized avalanche of outdatedness.

Neo Rauch

Why? Well one unavoidable reality is Pluto will be stationing direct on October 11th. This means in a little more than a months time he will have exited Capricorn for the next couple centuries, which commits some of what was constructed since 2008 to the haunted photo album of corrupted memories. The particular end of Capricorn which gets aspected by squares, sextiles and an opposition in the upcoming stretch has a lot to do with management, machination, and strategic maneuver. A thing was built that was never completed and now the holes in the components are obvious and it is these voids which render the structure incomplete, triggering us to look other places with more contemporary relevance to bring cohesion and resolve into our lives; and into society. The old foundational structures of governance, the old traditional approaches will not be worthy enough to provide protection for us, they have lost the soundness to manage our affairs, we turn away from authorities of politics, finance, and so on and look elsewhere, to each other, to new ideas and new forms of allegiance, often those not requiring any pledge or binding affiliation. Similarly, our personal lives seek restructuring as we didn’t know what we didn’t know when we began life building and personal assembly in 2008 and as its now 2024 we’re at very different places, we think different, we have new ideas and are looking around to whoever might be aligned with our current way of thinking to create secure, reliable networks.

Christina Quarles

The squares to Pluto are from the final degree of Libra— the last time Pluto will get squared from Libra in centuries. These are of Mercury and then the Sun before they enter Scorpio. We see that keeping the peace for the sake of a corrupt, incomplete and outdated infrastructure is futile. Our minds and attention turn to our animal instincts, our primal drives, that which feels urgent and un-negotiable. Venus is already there, and what we know we want from the depths of our being is resonating very strongly with what both malefics are expressing. Saturn in Pisces is accepting that we must let go. We can’t control this. Some things loosen up and slip away and we have to harness this flow so we can phase-shift into some existence of a different shape. There’s an essence of impermanence.

Neo Rauch

Mars chimes into the harmonics with sensitivity to having precious resources and comfort zones threatened. Do not even breathe wrong around the nursery or nest egg or awaken the reactive wrath, like a dog hovering over a prized butcher bone. Later as Mars and Venus edge on to Neptune at the end of Pisces our intuitive and instinctual state floods with high saturation immersion as we stream of conscious into our own trips, feeling what nourishes us as a totalizing medium to submerge ourselves in. This is not escapism, but a retreat from broken and unreliable parts of life into a full expression of what we need, want, dream about, are willing to die for, and can’t live without. It is where fantasy, need, obsession, dream and passion all confluence and though it is not something society or the collection of characters around us are willing to let us simply just have it is an impossible moment of truth where we know exactly what we are all about, a depth sound into our hearts all the way to our loins and to the pivots of procreation. It’s literally this thing we are incarnated for, at our roots. Our Daimons do the directing of the being but this bottom end is the carnal fulcrum on which it is made flesh, and via the body animated on earth.

Alexis Rockman

Jupiter in Gemini ruling over Saturn in Pisces is making all that is paradoxical widely observable, and the various lies we are living are abundantly clear. While every other series and sequence within the aspects points to the end of a defunct era and the ushering in of a new one where our needs are beyond ripe but bursting and overflowing with yet-quenched thirsts and non-negotiable desires in their raw unmitigated forms, Saturn says we must let go of control and accept while Jupiter distributes to us a bunch of options that don’t necessarily match the ideal image of our holy grail. This becomes particularly the case later in the month after Venus enters Sagittarius and activates the mutable T-Square. We are all fired up to go to the ends of the earth as we desire X but Jupiter isn’t handing out tickets to the X train, he’s giving rides to Y and Z which we’ll have to take to get on the road at all even though Z is the opposite direction from X, somehow we’ll have to chain up linkages to make an abundance of conversions to get to X eventually, or collect so many fractions of X we can put together a whole X from many many X fragments.

Sheena Rose

Mars enters retrograde shadow only a few days into October, between the Libra Eclipse and Pluto’s direct station, suggesting what brews up here in the Rambo First Blood narrative tension leads us down the line to our personal versions of the films' finale. Also, the last quarter Moon in late October is right around Mars’ eventual retrograde station in December, another narrative hint and timestamp. This first several degrees of Leo has been getting used to hosting the opposition area to Pluto’s recent as well as upcoming time in Aquarius, and has been on the fritz with retrogradation for some time already, rendering us garish, cringe, inauthentic, of shaken confidence and everything Leo-fucked. Often when Mars is retrograde we push through things that normally require too much effort, energy, resistance or conflict but for a two month period are able to or required to tactically maneuver through absolute bullshit to get beyond; bitchy phases which we are either being flat out fucked with or get motivated at gunpoint to level up or simply dodge bullets and get out of harms way.

Edward Wadsworth

The themes which will relate to the upcoming retrograde are mostly already on the table, although with Jupiter in Gemini dealing out the paradoxical diversity, the way in which the plot twists is yet to be determined, like a game of poker where a quarter of the deck is played as wild cards. With this profundity of Jokers showing up in every hand its not so easy to shark the table, and the pot gets hawked over before an almost inevitable table flip as tensions mount. Once the cards and chips get upset beyond retrieval and things come to fisticuffs its a different kind of competition. Even though this retrograde is still months away at this juncture we can see the convoluted obstacle course getting assembled up the energetic and emotional rivers ahead of us throughout October.

Pierre Roy

Take for example October 17th’s Full Moon in Aries, the first non-eclipsed lunation there for a year and a half, which is separating from squaring both Mars and Chiron in a Mars ruled sign in mutual reception with the Moon while Mars is already in the swath of zodiac he will be backtracking soon enough while the Moon is applying to square Pluto in Capricorn from Aries for the 2nd to last time for centuries. There is a lot of cardinality here, so it is inevitable we will be starting shit, and that’s shit we probably will be getting very over protective about, need a lot of autonomy to initiate, feel quite awkward about and really doesn’t jive with the big overarching structures of the past fifteen years. Starting shit means initiating projects here as much as it does picking fights, and for the generative force of becoming and nurturing growth is imbued with an aggressive pace and guided by a heavy hand as skill and effective execution are being newly tempered; the tool we use is just born out of the forge, still steaming from the quench as it takes its first stab. Interestingly, Venus is simultaneously opposite Uranus, trine Neptune and sextile Pluto from Mars ruled Scorpio. There is certainly some steamy smoldering going on here, and it says a lot about the curtain calls of the act now concluding and the rearrangement of sets to ready everything for the one about to begin.

Lamar Baker

It may seem like we’ve been banging against this theme of shifting from one era to another since 2020; and we have. We’re almost five years into a slow, complex, exhausting and  often excruciating transition from one period to another, one world to another, as Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Moon have all been poking and prodding and teasing and screwing around with the doorway between Capricorn and Aquarius ever since the January 2020 conjunctions and March 2020 ingresses. By the end of 2025 we will be on the other side of this leap from one era to the next, and October 2024, with Pluto’s last Capricornian direct station for centuries signifies the beginning of the end of this half decade long changing of the guards drama. When planets station direct it appears everything that will play out in the entire set of their next motion until the following direct station is already preloaded in a way and cued up to be in play, so by October 11th 2024 we are already in the fate packet which extends all the way to October 13th 2025, a time in which we’ll have sign shifts of both Neptune and Uranus from nocturnal to diurnal signs, meaning we are going to be in a much more activated and action packed reality, having been catapulted across from our pasts to our futures. October 2024 sees the cannon we will be fired out of locked and loaded and being contextualized for eventual projectile action.

Christina Quarles

This is a definitive colloidal moment in the cocoon chemistry of our emotional intelligence at work. While we are weeping and seething and salivating for what we desperately want, need and desire we secrete the catalyzing substance which sets the process in motion. We are no longer caterpillar by mid-October, although we will not be recognized as butterfly for many months to come. Oddly, by only a year from now we will not only be winged, but already on a great migration from one pole to another, leading an altogether different existence to when we were a simple curl clung in some forest ephemera. What Mars messily thrashes out and maybe botches in Fall of 2024 and Winter of 2025 is the same place Jupiter steps into for profoundly abundant growth June 2025 to June 2026. A regenerative Warp-Spasm of non-negotiable primal drives and intolerance to endure threats to basic needs triggers a not so gentle shapeshift into uncivilized animal power that is at first too viscerally primed to be incredibly accurate and effective but over time can acclimate to existence in such a way that it adapts to the new, increasingly weird and unfamiliar world so well its wildly rewarding and progressive. These are possible shapes, modes, forms and outcomes with a lot of nuanced bumps and swerves on the road from here to there, but which isn’t really too far away anymore. As we near the home stretch in a long, liminal episode, here and there draw together and slowly become one and the same.



Neo Rauch


-Libra vs Scorpio— social vs antisocial, civilized vs savage

-clashing with (Pluto) systemic corruption or voids in the mechanics leading to uncivilized and animal response, likely in terms of going covert to seize fixated desires

-fed by resource reactive sensitivity and nest aggression

-paralleled by Venus Moon followed by Mars Moon, civilized and relational approach, or playing nice undressing to become more direct and to the point even though its awkward, uncomfortable or wounding to others

-Jupiter: more than enough info available on how paradoxical things are in the cultural and relational equilibriums

-Neptune occasionally saturates the dynamics leading to subjective submersion which can be good for much needed immersing into deep end of one’s trip but leads to some inability to assess reality accurately; may also indicate deceptive cloaking inherent in covert operations

-Uranus making baselines unpredictable exacerbates resource and nesting reactivity via triggering instinctual responses

-Late month Sag ingresses: energy for and desire for ultimate trajectory towards noble target vs having to go with the flow and bifurcating pathways via available opportunities.  You want only X but have to accept that there are opportunities for some X mixed with some Y and some Z even when Z seems like the opposite of X.

-Pluto direct marks the timestamp of finally beginning the determined climb fatefully out of the past toward the future

Rosa Loy


-irony of it being impossible to deny deepest desires melded with aggressive sensitivity to threats of comfort, safety and resources bringing climax of relational or social disequilibrium to the table which fires up attraction to going for the ultimate, leading into a scattering bifurcation of many circuits rather than the one big pathway of desire which was the reason for the break from relational civility in the first place.

-Missing pieces in the infrastructure or manipulation to the system itself can catalyze the shift from a broken and incongruous previously inhabited life-vehicle as we’re delivered into improvising with new structures

-unpredictability of baselines and turbulence where we seek regularity agitates and encourages us on intuitive and instinctual levels leading us to fight or flight modalities: fighting to guard or fleeing from our nesting place

-Emotional intelligence becomes so strong we marinate and/or stew in the state and receive floods of impressions and untranslatable streams of consciousness which accompany and blend with our natural sensory condition   

-past structures no longer complete, have become corrupted, no longer safe or comfortable or predictable

-desires undeniable, certain satisfactions or fullfilments recognized as a need rather than a want— non-negotiability of desire

-availability of many options rather than opportunity to get on the one big focused pathway and resultant obligation to accept this and find a flow in it—- phase/shape-shift transition rather than aim and shoot trajectory



William Holman Hunt


-New Moon in Libra: SN Solar Eclipse in Libra: shedding, purge and refinement of relational, cultural, diplomatic, equilibrium, harmony, fairness etc.—

-conjunct Mercury: emphasizes communication and cultural exchange and brings details and logistics into the equation


Venus trine Saturn: primal desires, romantic fixations, raw attraction, urgent aesthetics, deep pleasures and instinctual values harmonized with obligations to let go and go with the flow while adding form to establish a secure flow state.


Mercury square Mars: analytics and logistics of cultural dynamics and social nuance communication clashing with sensitivity to resource threats and aggressive nesting reactivity


Venus trine Mars: primal desires, romantic fixations, raw attraction, urgent aesthetics, deep pleasures and instinctual values harmonized with sensitivity to resource threats and aggressive nesting reactivity; forms grand water trine with Venus and both malefics

Mercury trine Jupiter: analytics and logistics of cultural dynamics, social nuance communication and general equilibrium information harmonized with expansion of paradoxical data sets, coherence of grand polarities and paradoxical wisdom

Winfred Knights


Jupiter station RX: shift from expanding into new territory to understanding how everything currently holds together


Pluto station direct: beginning to move again forward in narratives of power, mystery, the unknown, through fears etc. Moves subthemes, long term stories as well as macro stories forward from past towards future shapes


Mercury square Pluto: critical data of the general cultural equilibrium clashing with corruption or stark unknowns in how things are managed and controlled

Mercury ingress Scorpio: logistics, analytics, processing and communications switches from social and civilized to instinctual and animal programs


Sun trine Jupiter: Attention and focus on the general equilibrium, social harmony and cultural balance harmonized with coherence of paradox, expansion of polarities and growing data awareness

Sun square Mars: Attention and focus on the general equilibrium, social harmony and cultural balance clashing with sensitivity to resource threats and aggressive nesting reactivity

Venus opposite Uranus: primal desires, romantic fixations, raw attraction, urgent aesthetics, deep pleasures and instinctual values challenged to balance with shifts in the baseline, commodity volatility, changes in the plan, material experimentation, turbulence in regularity


Venus trine Neptune: primal desires, romantic fixations, raw attraction, urgent aesthetics, deep pleasures and instinctual values harmonized with high saturation states, the blending of real and unreal, hallucination, simulation, deception, —submersion and soaking


Venus sextile Pluto: primal desires, romantic fixations, raw attraction, urgent aesthetics, deep pleasures and instinctual values collaborating with system corruption or stark unknowns in how things are managed and controlled— shadowy machinations

Venus ingress Sag: shift from instinctual desires to attraction to ideals, ultimates and the love of questing

Full Moon in Aries: subjective narrative blossoming in direct, autonomous performance of skill, effectiveness and prowess

-separating from Chiron: the above struggling with healing and integration of akwardness, discomfort, “rustiness”

Winslow Homer


Sun square Pluto: Attention and focus on the general equilibrium, social harmony and cultural balance clashing with system corruption or stark unknowns in how things are managed and controlled

Sun ingress Scorpio: attention and focus set on animal instincts, primal drives, meaningful obsessions, urgent fixations, deep dives, power dynamics, soul level agendas

Mercury trine Saturn: animal logistics and primal analytics in harmony with obligation to let go of control and go with the flow to ad form to the flow and establish a flow state


Mars sextile Uranus: sensitivity to resource threats and aggressive nesting reactivity collaborating with shifts in the baseline, commodity volatility, changes in the plan, material experimentation, turbulence in regularity


Mars trine Neptune: sensitivity to resource threats and aggressive nesting reactivity harmonized with high saturation states, the blending of real and unreal, hallucination, simulation, deception

Venus square Saturn: desire for ultimates, attraction to ideals, love of questing, vibrant aesthetics, pleasure in motion, art of amalgamating forms and modes clashing with the obligation to let go of control and go with the flow to ad form to the flow and establish a flow state


Mercury opposite Uranus: animal logistics and primal analytics challenged to balance with shifts in the baseline, commodity volatility, changes in the plan, material experimentation, turbulence in regularity

Egon Schiele


New Moon in Scorpio Nov 1: inception of next subjective cycle in intimate, intense and alchemical depths

-Mars opposite Pluto: Nov 3: sensitivity to resource threats and aggressive nesting reactivity challenged to balance with system corruption or stark unknowns in how things are managed and controlled

-Venus opposite Jup: desire for ultimates, attraction to ideals, love of questing, vibrant aesthetics, pleasure in motion, art of amalgamating forms and modes challenged to balance with expansion of paradoxical data sets, coherence of grand polarities and paradoxical wisdom— specific holy grail vs growing quantity of paradoxical bifurcations


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