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The Astrology 11/16/20--11/22/20: Put It All On Red # 7

Steven Shearer

Well, we've just had a Mars New Moon in Scorpio, while Mars is now direct burning a big old bonfire in his home sign of Aries. All right motherfuckers, here we go, back where we left off but angrier than ever before and ready, in the slow whiskey sipping night, to plan our moves and gear up for attack eve though most of that means steadying our temperaments and slipping out under the cover of night to go slash through whatever has been holding us back for the past couple months. The climate is horrendously polluted, sloshing scum and logistical nightmares abound. But amidst the sickening stew we can feel something has bee returned to us, elements of our agency, we're up against insurmountable odds but at least we have a sword in our hands. We contemplate this as we begin to transfer our inner fire to external action.

Tuesday Morning Mercury opposes Uranus and our primal, predatory logic serves to upend the table, scattering the game pieces in an unpredictable way. What if we scattered our attacks, took a radically different approach, struck them where they were least expecting? There's a they won't even know what hit them logic running through this you might want to apply to your game plan, magical approach, or even personal swagger that diversifies your movements in and out of the light while remaining fixed on the feeling of what you are making manifest by radically altering how you approach the material world and in what rhythm you sculpt the stuff of life. Thinking differently makes you do it differently which means you capture a different creature than is your normal diet but that weird new way of hunting might deliver you to the actual state you are salivating for than your original objective.

Thursday both the Sun sextiles Saturn and Venus squares Saturn first thing in the morning. We know what we want, and we know what we need- not on superficial levels but on life or death scales, beyond nourishment, we can't live without it. This is going to be extremely hard but we have the tools and the energy and the focus to take circumstances into our own hands, and its not going to make others happy and is not going to be the friendliest form of relationship for our lady Venus- Although, Saturn's exaltation is in Libra, where Venus is in a superior position, and relatable to Saturn by a sense of dignity. Ultimately balance, grace, harmony, love and creative expression all prevail, even though they have to lay down and contend with some hard boundaries as the scales are dramatically reset. It addresses isolation and difficult borders and locked cages and suppressed societies and says, hey there everybody we can't live without cultural bonds, physical love and creative space. Equilibrium must be restored. We've been locked far too tight. In our personal lives this might translate to what restrictions and prohibited behaviors exist in relationship which need to be loosened or whatever other knot must be untied to allow for the balanced pursuit of desire, and navigate by attraction and coection rather than manage by binding and securing.

Caroline Walker

By Saturday Venus ingresses Scorpio and the Sun Sagittarius, and our pleasure seeking selves become even more uncompromising as our visions ad projections into the future extend into an epic gaze-- but one that overlooks from a vista displaying the difficult scape of a world enveloped in structural dilemmas that ca't ever be solved without fresh perspective. This is where the Dinosaurs really begin to die. Animals have their own agenda, and it is infused with instinct but prefers navigating by connection and attraction. Like being in a entheogenic altered state: Towards this person, away from that person, out of this room and out under the sky, near the tree trunk, eating this and avoiding that. The succulence of fruit over the chemical concoctions of something more processed. Fresh blood not sugary substitute. These real indulgences nourish us, nothing else will do if we are going to the promised land, even if we have to sacrifice everything to do it.


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