October 14th to 20th: Body Scan
This week features more trines, continuing the dynamics of last week now distributed through different life layers and modalities. Malefics in aspect, Mars in fall in cancer to begin with ruling over Mercury and Venus, the jab of Mercury squaring a stationing Pluto amidst electro magnetic disturbances, screwed navigational devices, satellite outages, sperm whale calfs and other large fish caught in buoy lines in the harbor here in Maine, left to float and rot after likely getting lost as their inner organic sense of way got scrambled so its clearly not devices and in our human bodies our skin crawled as some ooed and ahhed over sky anomalies that were likely a mix of phenomenon and technology as the no one knows what’s going on and there’s no way to really find out concretely pulse charges social and cultural bifurcation— despite the interwoven tension which is obvious, and the discomfort of the moment, and the lack and longing for what we starve and salivate for, last weeks and this week’s trines overlay the narrative action with some inexplicable facilitation and clarity none the less. This fall Pluto has already stationed direct and moves larger stories along and by mid November Saturn does the same, so things are palpably in motion, even though Jupiter at the info operator mainframe has done his retrograde flip last week and as Austin Coppock says (I’m paraphrasing) ceases to expand and take more territory but instead begin the project of trying to understand and cohere all the newly gained elements from the past four months and see how they all hang together. Today’s trine between the Sun and Jupiter emphasize this station and bring it forward.
I spent the morning looking at art books I haven’t looked at for maybe a decade. I pulled off the shelf Indian art, Japanese art, paintings of the Louvre and the Met and the London National Gallery. An observation came over me that landed somewhere between a notion and a vibe. I liked the lack of realism in the older Indian and Japanese compositions. The way a landscape could be rendered, facial expressions, animal body postures and difficult to depict things like clothing and buildings were handled all more gesturally, stylistically, made into flowing forms and planes of phase shifting color and tone. The European paintings seemed like masterbation of skill, professionalism, elitism and wealth shining through, institutional doctrinarian, the pursuit of mastery in a time of cathedral building. The later art attempting to be free of this simply introduces masterbatory abstract concepts, as existentialism enters the occidental mind as christianity loses its dominant paradigmatic position. The centuries old south and east Asian art speaks in cultural lingo, like super sophisticated colloquial slang and is able to carry depiction along beautifully and eloquently without grandiose construction and ostentatious prestige, without sacrificing aristocratic grandeur where appropriate. Even in clothing. The Asian characters wear wraps and turbans and robes and scarves— the European characters lose the cloaks and capes and tunics by the medieval period and mutate into hysterics of over tailoring which pukes forth frills and skirt cages and corsets and cuffs and heaps of coats by the 1700s and homogenizes into a brown grey nightmare of slack suits later on only giving way to manufactured garments by the modern era. I marveled at the moment, where I would wear what I am resonating with but end up hiding out most of the time in attire that attracts less attention and does the job in a sophisticated enough way. I can viscerally feel the Sun in Libra trining Jupiter in Gemini. I scanned diverse media, flipping through the pages quickly photographing what I liked with my phone to message to friends while considering cultural authenticity and sense of harmony and balance. This is only my personal tale over coffee, but I’m inserting it here as a metaphor to locate what clarity is being arrived at for the reader as we pause, look behind us in some way and frame what resonates for us going forward, what seems true and well equalized.
As Mercury is now in Scorpio ruled by that Mars in Cancer and ruling Jupiter in Gemini who is ruling Saturn in Pisces, where the Moon has just stepped in, this is a bit of a moment. We feel the temperature shift. We’re using our body as a sensory device, what feels right, but moreover, in what way can we xray past, present and future, the at hand as well as remote simply by feeling it, or feeling the field to ascertain what is at play within it. What does this sponging of impressions help us do? Maybe not serve any single utility but feed and nourish our general situational awareness, so we are keep, and don’t careen off the road in a blur of snow to get captured by an obsessed fan who plots a mutual demise for us and them as in Stephen King’s Misery. So we can understand what happens when we leap full send like an excited dog and land impaled on some branch or spike. Yesterday my dog got excited and made such a jump which when gravity reversed his flight brought him down on the knobby stile of a chairback upon which he got caught and hung with all his weight for a torturous moment of screaming and peeing before I lifted him off. He contorted into a hunch and made grotesque faces and trembled as I inspected his body for punctures and breaks, tears welling nup in my eyes as I empathically merged with him in his brief suffering. He recovered as you do when you accidentally hit your thumb with a hammer and for thirty seconds live in a state of total alarm until the pain subsides to a dull ache.
The Sun is not only trine Jupiter taking stock on how things got overly complicated from the variety of not exactly the ideal options in proliferation but also square to Mars in Cancer, sensitizing us to the resources we guard and creatures we care for. Venus in Scorpio is also opposite to Uranus. Our primal desires are set to confront eruptions, disruptions, destabilizations and volatile shifting of ground, baselines, comforts and commodities. Although over the course of the week she will trine Neptune and sextile Pluto now direct. Our deepest urges and animal aesthetics seamlessly slip into fantasization and meld with where real and unreal twilight. Instincts, art, romance, dream and synchronicity mobius loop in a way we can see in photographs and feel in our guts, all collaborating with the end of an era, the final episode of a history, the fall of a house, the close of a tradition, an epilogue of a fate pattern.
It is at this moment she enters Sagittarius on Thursday, and the shift into fire signs ends up being simoultaneous with the Full Moon in Aries which will be separating from Chiron at the time. Enthusiasm around creative trajectories, romantic ideals, and adventurous or exotic aesthetics catalyzes as need for autonomy blossoms subjectively in a way that swells noticibly despite obvious discomfort and awkwardness laced into the concoction. This is the first non eclipsed lunation in Aries for a year and a half, despite the North Node still lingering there with the magnets of compulsion making the zodiacal space throb and radioactively emanate with shadow. Fire keys in to our spirits and is like the fuel of action, spice of life and spark of genius. Fire in our body is what makes us alive and not dead. Its the animating force. The heavy distribution of water as irritated intuitions, keen primal instincts, strategic sense of vibe and obligation to flow despite blockages speaks to many of our needs, but fire points to what turns us on, inspires us to get in motion, activates our appetite and green lights our libido. The Moon will bring first hand awareness of where direct intervention is targeted and what skills are required to hit the spot effectively, so bust your archery equipment and swords out of storage as they will be called for in a week where we are intellectually making sense and aware of what needs to be returned to the mix for best balance in a world of blah blah blah as we yearn for potency and ready for big change.