Full Moon in Aries 2023: Quit Fucking Around
Each year after Autumnal Equinox there is a Full Moon. This year’s installment, for a number of reason’s appears to be particularly emphasized. It occurs about 19 degrees away from the North Node, so it is not even a brush of shadow. The Serpent’s snapping jaws miss it entirely. And even though this is the last normal lunation before the nodally augmented lunations of the October 14th (South Node Solar Eclipse in Libra) and October 28th (the last North Node Lunar Eclipse in Taurus), it is the lunar blossoming of April 19th 2023’s Solar Eclipse in Aries from spring. Despite not spreading any phenomenological shade as literal darkness, it is certainly a lunation within zodiacal axis of the nodes and carries significance in the series. The North Node was still in Taurus in April when shadow grabbed the Sun and Moon’s embrace and now the North Node will be in Aries in late October when the final installment of the Taurus eclipses reverberates and caps the process of manifesting more stability off with a momentous hurrah. September 29th’s Full Moon floods with subjective awareness the energetic dynamics of action, autonomy, skills, training, independence, directness, individuation, competition, confrontation and initiation, but its spark is ignited in a peculiar way. Aries ruler, Mars is currently siddling up to the South Node in Libra, who will be slinging the upcoming eclipse on October 14th, the first on that end for this series. Mars in Libra at best takes action to tactically maneuver through some challenging cultural discourse and critically responds to relational issues which need immediate mediation. What Mars typically suffers here is not being able to act without being aware that he is putting people off, upsetting others or disturbing the peace. The South Node, ready to snip some relational baggage that has been collected over the past 18ish years suggests, if something is in the way of acting out your autonomous directives then let it go, cut ties and carry on. As Venus rules Libra and is just wrapping up a heart check and has thoroughly re-evaluated what desires, connections, attractions, aesthetics, and pleasure principles feel authentic and resonant in our central energetic expression, the way we weigh quality upon the scales gets subtle adjustments and particular scrutiny is involved in the augmentation process. Venus is thrown into experimenting with change via her square with Uranus in her other rulership of Taurus, a sign which has been and continues to be, heavily worked over by transits. Mercury simultaneously trines Uranus, so our extensive attention to critical details in our sorting process are in concert with the productive tensions our recent heart shaped twists remap our romantic inclinations as we swipe much of the extraneous ideas we have been deliberating and vacillating over for way too long right off the scales so we can make a more obvious measurement of what’s worth our energy and apply that directly to getting right down to business.
René Margritte
There’s some future-past here, in the ramp up to a life narrative fast forward. Where we have arrived from things we seeded in the spring in autumnal climax as yin spreads out some light and we lay down some arms to a seasonal calming there’s a surge of energy around a certain directive that contextualize finishing out a material process from the pass year and a half and stepping further into the new, stripped down balance of things which shake out amidst a streamlined inclination towards action. Peering into where Venus and Mars situate themselves around future eclipses colors these contexts, but as of this late September Full Moon in Ram Mode, refreshed cultural, social and relational activity is critical for bringing about the revolution of our baseline material life into its later stages, where the larger pieces of the plan are rolled like mammoth stones into a new organization as if the momentum of equinox itself demanded our lives be different from how they were before 2018 in a way that tracks with things we’ve experimented with since that time on fundamental levels. With Jup[iter also in Taurus we should have not only coherence of what this might be from a wider scope perspective, but also opportunities to work with and craft these substantial alterations should be presenting themselves. It’s likely that what we actually care about and who we actually enjoy spending time with what we actually are capable of doing all play a major role in how this shakes out.
André Masson
Aries doesn’t mean to be harsh, but when it sees a bush to beat around it simply grabs a weedwacker. If people are getting upset with you for carving your own path at this point there will be astrology available for letting them walk out of your contacts list. This doesn’t mean there will be a glut of digits deleting on Friday night, but it does mean that when being considerate for others becomes a drag on your advance the definition of fairness is in store for a severe edit. In preparation for October’s Libra Eclipse, try to wrap your mind around how to most gracefully identify with this reduction of the social, cultural and relational balancing act. There’s more time to prep on that front. As far as this upcoming Aries Full Moon, go easy enough you don’t crash and burn, but allow for some extra energy to drive your actions and during this march ahead feel the purpose and meaning of what initiating oneself into power and autonomy allows.
The Lunation lighting up and saturating the night with brightness in the first Lunar Zodiacal shape evokes the Orphic Oxherd, or the initiator of cult activity, essentially the role given to whoever makes the calls for the other participants to follow suit in the throes of ritual. This is interesting with Mars’ current position in Libra, as if the host is also the cult executrix or Master of Ceremony. In goetic context this would be the First Spirit, Lucifer, by whom all the other spirits are moved, the guiding force, intelligence and illumination which sets all animate activity in motion. The mythical First Mover in the creation progression. There was nothing, until desire made something move and then from that initial impulse all else that ever occurred was set in motion. In this goetic Lucifer is legionary, all others in the spirit world are thus a part of him. The Vernal Equinox Sunrise is in itself like this, the beginning of the yang-ification of realities equilibrium. Having just passed Autumnal Equinox we at the moment of this Full Moon experience yang within yin, light reflected in the seasonal mirror, which is in itself Libran. What has been done has played a part in what is happening now and what you do now by continual reflection plays a part in what will play out in a time yet to come. To be more specific, what you did around April 20th 2023 has led to what you are experiencing now and what you do now within that experience influences what you will come to do across the next 18 and a half months, as well as describe who will and especially who will not be there with you as certain relationships shed back and drift away like autumn leaves.
Venus still in Leo, newly re-evaluated is also in mutual reception with the Sun in Libra, so a particular transference of zodiacal expression takes place here, combining and cross emanating in multiple layers of life at once. We might pay particular attention to social performance, cultural exhibition, displays of balance, visibility of authenticity and the expressing of grace. As this directs the tactical activities and critical maneuvers of Mars who decides where the Moon’s energy climax directed its worth considering the nuances of how the expression flows through. Knowing what or who you feel sick of, what is not fair, where justice itself is over reaching, where the balance simply can’t be brought back, and where measurement is futile, as in comparisons of apples and oranges will be the catalyst to kick you into gear, and though a finalé for the time being, is actually just the beginning, so be aware of how much energy it will actually take to spearhead your medium term endeavors. You may see that who you are willing to deal with is only one factor, the other being how efficient you are at doing what’s gotta be done. This could require training. We typically hear of people who take on a serious level of expertise in a physically challenging and likely competitive pursuit socialize less, lose touch with friends and replace their previous community with other people directly involved in the same sport. Not that the world is about to go full jock, but the metaphor works for a world about to get to business and quit fucking around.
André Masson
I want to bring the Uranus component back around, I think its important in this alignment and as far as integrating Venus’ recent retrograde, and as it’s in an earth sign, there’s probably stuff you accumulated, receipts detailing resources you invested and sweat equity or other labor you put in to some life changes and upgrades that you have been working on since 2018 which trickle down into how the moment is experienced and where the energy wants to go directly, though from an indirect direction. Ponder this, as it’s also via Jupiter feeding Saturn cues related to what he’s making difficult though hopefully constructive for you in the reality backdrop, which has a lot to do with what kind of atmosphere works best for you to be in your most productive flow. This lunation, and the next two which follow are speed ups of the plot. Enjoy the acceleration get your game on and don’t twist your ankle.